
Creative expression - at the intersection of Art and Commerce.



Images tend to evoke specific feelings and emotions, or they trigger a specific memory when we see them. I especially love images that do this but aren’t contrived or manufactured. Which probably explains why I love photography, and street photography in particular. Things happen and you just have to be in the right place at the right time. I’m always in search of that perfect, emotive image - even though I know there’s no such thing. In this section, I share where this journey has taken me over the years.


Sights & Sounds

Music has been a huge part of my life and I’ve dabbled in writing and creating since then. As much as any visual art, sometimes more so, music has a way of transporting us or completely changing our emotional state. Music isn’t something we want as much as it is something we need.

And where audio and visual connect, it sends a message. It leaves you satisfied or wanting (depending on the creator’s intent). In “Sights and Sounds”, I share some of what I’ve been inspired to create along my journey, including experiments at blending audio and video forms together.



I’ve always been intrigued by the intersection of art and commerce. All art (in one form or another) is an offering and the goal of this section is to explore that intersect.